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WAVE is Taking Flight with an Aviation Course

Jenny Seymour

WAVE is excited to share that we are offering an Aviation Course spring semester of the 2018-19 school year.

The course , Aviation 101, which we are running as a "pilot" is a 0.5 credit elective offered through partnership with Wausau Flying Service and Wausau Area Virtual Education (WAVE), and through the generous donation of flight instructor and simulator time from the Southeast Side Neighborhood group, Learn Build Fly, and Wausau area pilots: Wynn Jones, Keith Mathews, and R.W. Monk.

Students selected to participate in this course will have classroom instruction taught by Dr. Jerry Reinardy using Aeroscholars curriculum. Additionally, these students will complete loggable simulator hours at the Wausau Airport with FAA certified flight instructors using an FAA approved flight simulator.

At the close of the course, students can continue on to take their private pilot's test.

In the future, we are looking to offer duel credit for this course through Fox Valley Technical College.

According to Forbes, the aviation industry will need 790,000 new pilots by 2037 to meet demand. Aviation is an exciting field, and the Wausau School District is proud to be part of an opportunity that allows students to begin a career path in Aviation.

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